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George Green's School

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School Council


Members of the school council meet half termly to discuss feedback raised, which is then presented to the SLT team at George Green’s, to discuss how to drive changes forward.

Topics usually centre on rewards, improving lunchtimes, ensuring positive behaviour around school and how to improve learning in the classroom.

Article 12 of the UNCRC says that children and young people have the human right to have opinions and for these opinions to matter.


What have we been doing ?

Meeting with SLT about rewards

Meeting with Head Cook

Prices have not changed.  The head cook is really happy with the suggestions. She would like to know more so keep feeding back your ideas in class meetings.

 Things that we cannot change:

 Trainers or black trainers.

The school is a professional environment and we need to look smart.

Common complaints about the toilets

Locks on the boys toilets broken. Soap dispensers run out of soap.Toilet paper runs out quickly. Lack of mirrors (mainly boys). 

Toilets are maintained regularly and these issues will be raised again.

  • Common Complaints about seagulls and pigeons
  • These are attracted to our playground by the amount of litter and food waste we leave behind every lunch and break time. Solution - don't drop litter !
  • We look forward to reading your class meetings this week and making a difference in our school.
  • “When the whole world is silent even one voice becomes powerful.” Malala Yousafzai


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