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George Green's School

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SIMS Parent

We are delighted to introduce SIMs Parent App in order to enhance our communication with you in relation to your child’s progress in school.

What is the SIMs Parent App?

School term, inset dates and contacts details available at the click of a button

Access to electronically update your contact details, for up-to-date emergency information

Important push messages from school, including event reminders and newsletters

Information about your child’s attendance, assessment and clubs

The SIMS Parents App is an on-demand app, which can either be downloaded to an Android or Apple phone, or accessed via a website. There is no change for accessing the Parent App.

Watch this short helpful video created by ESS SIMS -

We have created three documents to help you get started with SIMS Parents

If you have any questions or need more support please contact with the subject SIMS Parent.

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