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George Green's School

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Pupil Premium

Schools receive additional funding from the government to support disadvantaged students of all abilities to reach their potential

This additional funding, or Pupil Premium, is allocated to the school based on the number of students who are eligible for free school meals, or who have been eligible in the past 6 years, who are Looked After Children or previously were LAC, or who are services children.

At George Green’s School, we believe that it is vital that we monitor the progress of these students and intervene if they fall behind.

Currently, 72.7% of students at George Green’s are eligible for Pupil Premium (PP); compared to 27.2% nationally.  Additionally, from school data, we can deduce that factors such as Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND), gender and ethnicity have just as great an impact on students’ attainment, as their PP status.  As such, we vow to use PPG to fund initiatives that include all of our students.

This will include:

  • Focusing on high-quality teaching and learning
  • Improving key skills in literacy 
  • Addressing issues around student well-being, including attendance and mental health
  • Increasing cultural capital and aspirations

Pupil Premium Strategy Statement

Please click on the documents below to read about our Pupil Premium Strategy.

Pupil Premium Strategy 2024-25






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