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George Green's School

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Routines and Expectations at George Green's School 

As a Rights Respecting school, we not only teach students about equal rights, but model these and demonstrate respect in all relationships.

We all agree that education is an ongoing process which takes place at home and in the community, as well as in school. To enable students to succeed in their education, we believe that home and school need to work together as closely as possible. Take a look at our Home  School Agreement below validating this partnership.

Home School Agreement


Routines and Expectations Booklet

We expect every member of the George Green’s community to respect our school and everyone in it. We developed a set of expectations, that enables our community to understand how we expect them to conduct themselves. Please click below to view.

The Routines and Expectations Booklet details the school code and rules on many topics; including lessons, rewards, uniform, journals, attendance, punctuality, mobile phones and electronic equipment, jewelry and make up allowed in school and sanctions imposed when needed. 





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