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George Green's School

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Careers Programme

Our aim is to provide a planned programme of learning experiences from Year 7 to Year 13 both integrated within the curriculum, in the classroom and via external opportunities in the world of work. 

We work with students ranging from Year – 13 as we believe every child requires career education.

Support in Year 7-9

By the end of year 7, all students will participate in a Money management careers workshop with employers as well as have the opportunity to attend a work place visit or workshop. All students complete 2 enrichment clubs.

By the end of year 8, all students will participate in a Skills for Success workshop with employers as well as have the opportunity to attend a work place visit or workshop. All students complete 2 enrichment clubs.

By the end of year 9, all students will participate in an Options and Careers workshop with employers as well as have the opportunity to attend a work place visit or workshop.

 Support in Year 10-11

By the end of year 10, all students will participate in an Assessment Centre and Careers workshop with employers as well as have the opportunity to attend a work place visit or workshop. All students will complete a virtual work experience and have the opportunity to participate in a in-person placement. All students will complete a CV.

By the end of year 11, all students will complete a 1-1 Mock with an employer, as well as have a 1-1 guidance meeting with a qualified local authority careers adviser to discuss post 16 options.

Support in Sixth Form 

By the end of your sixth form journey, all students will have participated in a CV’s and Applications careers workshop with employers. Students will have the opportunity to attend a work place visit or workshop and have the opportunity to complete a 1 week in person work experience placement. Students also have the opportunity to take part in our various mentoring and employability programmes to support their journey into the world of work.

Read about our Sixth Form Careers workshops and visits here.

 Learn about our students' work experience programme


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