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George Green's School

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Gifted and Talented Programme

At George Green’s school we are committed to ensuring that all students have equal opportunity to reach their full potential.

One way we achieve this is through our provision for More Able and Talented students. Our vision is that our students’ talents and abilities are recognised by everyone in our school community, including parents, and that the students are supported in achieving excellence.

Knowledge of our MAT students is used to ensure appropriate challenge in lessons and the provision of extra-curricular opportunities aimed to raise aspirations and raise achievement.

Included in this are specialised workshops, trips to places of interest and early exam entry. We also monitor the progress of these students closely, targeting interventions where appropriate.



The George Green's Brilliant Club offers an extra curricular opportunity known as the Scholars Programme, available to More Able and Talented students at the school.

Students selected, began with a launch trip to SOAS University before being taught a specific topic from a PHD tutor. Students were then assigned a final essay (1500 words) on the particular researched topic. The assignment was marked and graded under the University grading system (3rd, 2.2, 2.1 and a 1st). Finally, late this term, students attended a graduation event at London’s City University. The topic of the year studied was Geography : The Anthropocene v Deep Time.

If you would like to read some of the fantastic essays written by our year 7 and year 8 students please click on the links below.


Ameena's Essay

 Nusayba's Essay 

Uthman's Essay 




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