Rights Respecting Award - Go for Gold!
We are incredibly proud to be recognised as a Rights Respecting School. Awarded by Unicef, the accolade celebrates our efforts in placing the United Nations Convention at the forefront of all that we do, including a vocal school council, class meetings, charity champions, pupil partners, prefects and rights respecting ambassadors.
We were the first school in London to achieve Rights Respecting Status, and we are thrilled to share the results of our recent Level 2 assessment - achieving Gold status! Feedback from the report highlighted that students and staff across the school place a real importance on respect for rights and promoting the school’s rights respecting ethos. We would like to take this opportunity draw your attention to some of the key messages highlighted in the report:
- George Green’s School has shared its rights based practice with other schools and communities. It works closely with a group of local primary schools, several of which are or are becoming rights respecting
- Rights-respecting values underpin leadership and management
- All students and staff have a good understanding of the CRC
- There is evidence of very strong respectful relationships between students, between adults and between students and adults
- Students understand their role as “how to make the school a better place” whether this was about knowledge of rights, teaching and learning or anti-bullying
- The whole school community is dedicated to being a rights respecting school
- The rights of a child are strongly embedded across the whole school.
Well done to all of our students and staff and their efforts in attaining this. As part of our Rights Respecting efforts, several of our students have embarked on training sessions with Place2Be, allowing them to understand the importance of providing support to peers and raising awareness of mental health issues.
We look forward to maintaining Level 2 Gold assessment by continue to develop excellent practise and deepen the knowledge and understanding of articles across the whole school community.
“Students, who met with inspectors, spoke passionately about the school’s work to ensure that pupils show respect and tolerance towards each other, irrespective of their backgrounds.” Ofsted.
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