Forensic Science: Someone has broken into the school safe and stolen the cake sale money!
Year 7 investigators must tape off the area in order to protect any evidence. Clues and evidence must be identified, collected, interpreted and analysed. These include fingerprints, impressions, hairs and fibres and 'blood', bones and DNA.
During Science Week, some selected students were chosen to participate in a workshop about forensic science.
In the workshop the chosen participants met up in the sports hall and we learned about how scientific evidence can be found in a crime scene (likefingerprints,footprints,DNA,spit,etc.).
Another thing we learnt about was how scientific evidence is very important in court.
We learnt about how we can identify different fingerprints such as the loop, the swirl, the arch, etc. After learning about scientific evidence and fingerprints, we went on to investigate our own little crime scene.
We worked in groups,we observed the crime scene and then we gathered information about the suspects and looked at the evidence that was at the crime scene.
Every group had a different theory based on the resources we got.
After around half an hour, all of the groups gathered into the middle and discussed our theories and who the real murderer actually was.
In conclusion, the workshop was really fun and educational for us.
We learned about many different things and inspired some of us to become forensic scientists or a detective.
We enjoyed interacting and communicating with our peers with this boisterous experience.
Emily and Katrina